Reality Bites, New Sketch, and Dealing with Haters

Have you seen the movie "Reality Bites"?

It is sooooo amazing. I was literally obsessed with it for years after it first came out!

Winona Ryder's character, Lelaina Pierce, is so incredibly aspirational. She's cool, smart, and creative. She works in TV and she makes documentaries about her friends.

And she's hot! ;)

"Reality Bites" is all about being newly on your own, which is something I could never get enough of as a child. I was just so excited to get out of the house and get on with life!

And yeah, living in the real world is pretty awesome most of the time, and, just like the movie warns, reality bites sometimes.

But I digress.

I wanted to be like Lelaina Pierce so badly! So, naturally, I started making documentaries.

I made documentaries all through college. Anytime a professor gave us any sort of leeway for a project, I made a documentary. Or a website. Or both. Heh.

I still sort of do this, but it's more in the form of vlogging.

Documenting my life has always been fun for me. That's why I like blogging, too! And podcasting!

Now here's the thing...

No matter what I do, the haters seem to find me.

And sometimes, it makes it hard to keep going.

Lately, the haters have been getting worse and worse.

I don't know if it's because people are getting bored and stir-crazy due to stay at home measures, or if, as a whole, the "hater culture" is just growing in a creepy way.

"Mary Gets It" was torn to shreds by a hater who apparently knew me in high school.

I never remembered him, but he kept talking to me on Facebook, and I was always extremely nice and treated him like a friend.

Every single time I go to record my podcast, his horribly nasty words ring throughout my brain.

And you know what? Doing a podcast entails a lot of hard work behind the scenes that no one sees.

Well, after waking up to 3 brand new, extremely scathing hate comments on YouTube, I didn't really feel all that great about creating content today.

But you know what else? I'm tough as nails. So I recorded a podcast. And I made a couple TikToks. And I posted one of my sketches on YouTube.

Because that's what I do.

And no one can take that away from me.

Unjustifiably Abhorrent | When Your Friend Doesn't Follow You Back


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